Twitch Live Streaming
Twitch Live Streaming
December 2020 I took a deep dive into the world of broadcast streaming and became a one-man production crew. I conducted several weekly live streams under the name Gradacious and played games, chatted, read aloud and listened to music with stream viewers. This was a short lived project as I needed to move, but it gave me the confidence to know I could pick up streaming again and make it a dedicated weekly occurrence.
December 2020 I took a deep dive into the world of broadcast streaming and became a one-man production crew. I conducted several weekly live streams under the name Gradacious and played games, chatted, read aloud and listened to music with stream viewers. This was a short lived project as I needed to move, but it gave me the confidence to know I could pick up streaming again and make it a dedicated weekly occurrence.
Producer/ Entertainer
Producer/ Entertainer
Photoshop, OBS,
Photoshop, OBS,
Samples of Graphic and UI Design Work created for the stream
Initially I went through several iterations of banners and layout/overlay ideas all with a focus on aesthetics and conforming to a brand I had developed.
Initially I went through several iterations of banners and layout/overlay ideas all with a focus on aesthetics and conforming to a brand I had developed.